Belly Laughs

Belly Laughs

They say laughter is the best medicine....

Of course that depends on what you are trying to cure, but for the most part I am 100% in agreeance. If I asked you right now who do you laugh with the most, who comes to mind? Did someone immediately pop in your head? Do you have a list of people that bring on the belly laughs? Are you on your list? I hope so because we should be able to laugh with ourselves too.

I know people say you should be able to laugh "at" yourself, but what fun is that? Sounds miserable if you ask me. As individuals we ridicule ourselves enough. There is no need to add laughing AT ourselves to that list, but I digress...

What makes you laugh?

Right now think of the funniest thing that brings the belly laughs and borderline peeing in your pants because you laughed so hard. (Sorry moms, hopefully that 'borderline' wasn't crossed. I know you know what I mean lmao) What a great feeling! Laughing so hard sound ceases to escape your mouth. Your eyes are blurry from tears that have been squeezed out of your shut eyes. You have a stitch in your side and are now on the verge (if you aren't already there) of not being able to breathe because you've been laughing so hard. I think those are some of the BEST moments.

Who has the best laugh?

Who in your life brightens your day just hearing them laugh? Aside from who the laughter is coming from in general, what about their laugh brightens your day? Do they guffaw like Goofy? (ha yuck!) Or maybe they snort when they laugh really hard. Is their laugh unlike anyone else's? It makes my heart so happy when someone's laugh makes me laugh even more and just makes my day that much better.

Bring on the laughs

Right now think about these:

  1. funniest movie scene
  2. funniest moment with your family
  3. funniest shenanigans with your friends
  4. funniest thing you've done

Now enjoy those memories, the laughs you just had, and I hope this brightened your day!

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