Gray Skies Are Gonna Clear Up....

Gray Skies Are Gonna Clear Up.... put on a happy face

I often find that most mornings I wake with a song stuck in my head. Sometimes it's at 2:30am on my way for a mid-sleep bathroom break (lol), or sometimes my internal singing holds off until I'm completely awake and ready to start my day.  Does this happen to any of you? I mean, I can't be the only one...can I???

Put On a Happy Face

So that's today's song. I'm sitting at my sewing table and the sky I see through the blinds is mostly gray clouds with the purest sky blue peaking through and that's the song that popped in to my head. Now the happy little tune (heard in Dick Van Dyke's voice of course) has been skipping through my head and LITERALLY putting a smile on my face. Why you ask? Well, I'm glad you're curious, because I was going to tell you regardless, lol.

Down The Rabbit Hole We Go

You can literally think yourself into a better mood even if you're already in a good just continues to GET BETTER. My brain constantly bounces from thought to thought and sometimes I'm amazed I can keep up before the thought train derails. So with the idea of thinking happy thoughts and one happy thought leading to another here is the railway...

Saw a gray sky, song pops in to my head

Internally singing, "Put On a Happy Face" and hearing it in Dick Van Dyke's voice

New happy thought: Disney. I absolutely LOVE going to Disney World and have so many wonderful memories and reliving them is continuing to improve my mood and now that I have Disney on the brain I typed 'thinking happy thoughts' in the paragraph above and now I'm thinking about Peter Pan which is one of my favorite Disney movies and definitely my top 3 favorite rides at the Magic Kingdom and the happy thoughts continue to grow and now there is a pseudo duet going on in my brain...gray skies are gonna clear up....think of a wonderful thought, any happy little thought... and now I'm off again heading towards the second star on the right and straight on till morning. Of which my morning sky has cleared up and the gray clouds are now white and I'm STILL thinking happy thoughts with my happy face.

And you guessed it, another song has been added to the mix.

'There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of everyday' 

It is truly amazing how powerful our brains are. I know it isn't always easy to think happy thoughts or 'put on a happy face', but that's just the point. You don't have to put on a happy face or fake it till you make it (ugh that statement causes me stress, but that's a discussion for a different blog entry), but what you can do is pick one thought that makes your heart soar and focus on that. Keep repeating it to yourself until you start to feel better. Focus on each of your senses from that memory. Is there a particular scent? A taste? A sound? Focus on those and then start to connect those feelings in to a more detailed happy thought. If you have a hard time remembering, write it down as soon as you have the thought and add key words that will help trigger the happy thought faster. Compile a list of happy thoughts as they come to you and reference them when needed. Cover your wall with post its if necessary to remove the potentially hard task of remembering a happy thought when you're too tired and ready to give up.

So my thought train didn't derail, but it definitely switched tracks from there I thought this post was going originally, but you know what? I'm happy with that.  There is definitely a reason I wrote what I wrote and I hope the person(s) that needed my message received it.

But I do want to circle back to the beginning of this. If you are someone that wakes up with songs in our head, what are they? I would love to hear what pops up and why you think your brain chose that song (or songs because I know it can me multiple tunes sometimes lol).

Find me on Instagram @homemadehappiness_bysmr and send me a DM, or email me at I love to chat and would love to hear from you.

I hope you are having a fab day!


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