What's Your Niche?

What's Your Niche?

Don't answer just yet....

Let's talk about what a niche is first. The definition of niche is, "a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment; a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service".

Now that you have the definition I want you think about how it pertains to you. Are you excelling in one particular area of expertise? That's awesome!!! Run with it, but how are you going to continue to grow your business? (If you're not sure, click here http://homemade-happiness.net/pages/creative-brainstorming to set up your complimentary consultation and lets talk about how you and your business will benefit from Creative Brainstorming Sessions.)

What if you don't have one particular thing you can 'niche down' on? What if you have multiple talents? Well, I'm glad you asked. I've been thinking about this a lot lately because I am in that same boat. You know, the one where the outside water level is almost up to the rim because your boat load of AWESOME talent and ideas is pushing the weight capacity to the max, but thankfully the water hasn't gotten in to the boat so you aren't starting to sink, yet lmao. But seriously...you could be treading some dangerous water soon if you don't figure out how to categorize, adjust your focus, and start to remove some of that precious cargo (i.e. amazing ideas) from your brain.

So how do you do that?

For starters, lets talk about a niche from a different perspective. Instead of 'this is what I DO' lets change it to 'this is what I AM'.

I AM talented

I AM creative

I AM a problem solver

I AM making a difference

I AM following my dream

I AM focused

I AM driven

I AM determined

These are just a few examples of how to flip the narrative and see your talents from a different perspective. Once you figure out what you ARE you can then hone in on what you DO. You don't have to do one specific thing for ever and ever. You can be successful making your multiple talents available to the world and you can change your mind any time you want. If something doesn't work any more or it's stopped making your heart happy, just pivot (pivot....PIVOT! lol) and head off in a different direction. You don't owe anyone an explanation.

Having said that, I would suggest that you take some time to reflect and categorize your talents. Literally make a list. One category should be 'profitable talent' and the other should be 'hobby'. I recommend this, because some of your talents will be profitable and some of your talents will be hobbies. Yes, there is a difference, but both are necessary for living a happy life.

All work and no play...

So, have you categorized your talents? GREAT!! Pick one or two things from each category and start thinking about how you want to incorporate them in to your life. Do you want to start an extra money stream by selling your profitable talent(s)? Awesome! Start thinking about all the ways you can do that. Are you already in business for yourself, but feel like you work allllllll the time? Today's the day to start planning how to add it in to your weekly schedule. (And stop with the bullshit. I know you already thought of 3 excuses why you can't spend some time on a hobby or step away from your business/job for a bit. You CAN and you SHOULD.)

And now for the 'neat' little bow lol

You've discovered what your new perspective is on your niche.

You've made a list of your profitable talents and hobbies. 

You've started planning how to incorporate your talents and hobbies in to your life.

So now what? Well...go do those things, lol. Add action to your planning and watch how everything starts to shift for you. Get ready, because you're about to do even more amazing things.

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